Yellowing of leaves: Indoor plant care

Yellowing of leaves

We all love growing indoor plants and beautifying the balcony or outdoor gardens. Bringing plants from the shop or growing plants from the very beginning not only makes the surroundings nice and serene but also builds an emotional relationship with the plants. If the plants are not feeling well or are not looking healthy then it also makes us a little worried.  One of the major troubleshoot is the yellowing of leaves which is a general problem associated with all types of plants.

The yellowing of leaves of a plant is a visible problem that we can identify easily. If the plant is experiencing any kind of stress like seasonal, repotting, or environmental stress then this symptom is the first or most general symptom which appears.

But as the problem looks very simple but the reason behind this phenomenon is difficult to find out. Therefore it is very important to take a close look at the plant and try to evaluate other reasons that may cause the yellowing of leaves.

Some of the major reasons for the yellowing of leaves are

  1. Imbalance watering
  2. Less light
  3. Lack of nutrient
  4. Aging

Imbalance watering

Underwatering coupled with a sudden rise in temperature may cause the yellow leaf. Yellowing of leaves also occurs when the plant is in its growing state and does not get sufficient water. major symptoms are wilting then yellowing, leaf drop, tip necrosis, or dry tip and leaf curl.

Overwatering combined with poor drainage is also one of the reasons for having yellow leaves. The main symptoms are sea through or transparent leaves in succulents, leaf drop, and fungus gnats.

Imbalance watering can be solved by simply checking the soil conditions. It should be not too much dry and should be not too much wet. Plus check the drainage system of the pot and the type of soil you are using.

Remove the yellow leaf or rotten part in order to keep the plant healthy

Less light

If your plant is sun-loving or your plant wants direct or indirect light for its growth and development and is not getting it sufficient then also yellowing of leaves occurs. due to insufficient light, photosynthesis also does not happen properly and thus results in yellow leaves or yellow veins, and stunted growth.

Lack of nutrients

Lack of major and minor nutrients can also be one of the reasons for the yellowing of leaves. No or little nutrients in the soil hinder the process of photosynthesis and chlorophyll formation. Some of the major symptoms are purple veins, green veins with pale leaves, and lack of growth. The best remedy is to fertilize the plants with regular NPK fertilizers, and remove the yellow or discolored leaf for healthy growth of the plant.


The yellowing of leaves is also a natural phenomenon. When the plant is in its active growth state or it’s just the season where the plant generally goes through the leaf fall phase then you should not be worried too much about that. Simply check the other conditions like watering and nutrient and light availability.  Such a type of yellowing is generally seen in the older leaves or the leaves near the bottom of the base of the plant.

Other factors which may cause the yellowing of leaves are

Temperature change

Sometimes the plant gets stressed due to a change in temperature or due to shifting from the shade to light or vice versa. Most of the yellowing occurs when the transition form to summer to autumn occurs. Keep a check on the plant’s condition and make sure the temperature around the plants should not dip or rise too much.


when the plant overgrows and the soil of the pot is not enough to provide the regular nutrient then also the leaves of the plants started yellowing. A simple solution to this is to change to a bigger pot and give sufficient nutrients in the form of fertilizers.

For reference: Refer to “The green indoors” By Maddie and Alice Bailey

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