Silver squill care and propagation


Silver squill scientifically known as Ledebouria socialis belongs to the family Asparagaceae and is native to South Africa. Other common name for this beautiful house plant is Leopard lily and Viotel squill. the following article is about Silver squill care and propagation.

This is an attractive dense and dwarf bulbous plant. The leaves of this plant are triangular to lanceolate 5-6 cm long and 1-1.5 cm wide. The leaves are silvery in color with green or brown spots or patches.

Flowering occurs mainly in the month of October to November. each bulb produces inflorescence with 10-30 florets. the florets have purple stamen and green and pink petals.

Silver squill

How to propagate Silver squill

The plant is easy to propagate, the main mode of propagation is via bulbs. Plant the bulbs in well-drained sandy soil with well-matured compost (1). Irrigate the plants properly during summer provided they are well-drained. Another way of propagation is through seeds in which we can obtain various types of varieties based on different colors. For this fresh seeds are cultured in spring or summer. the soil. should be damp and warm for at least 2-3 weeks. the plants reach their flowering stage after three years of germination.

How to take care of Silver squill

1. Light

The plants need bright light with direct 3-4 hours of sunlight.

2. Water

Just like other succulent plants, this plant also needs less or low water. During the summer season, water regularly and during the winter season silver squill plants mostly stay in the dormant stage, therefore, giving less water in order to keep the foliage alive.

3. Temperature

This plant loves sunlight temperature. 15-20 degree temperature is good enough for its healthy growth. During the cold or winter season, this plant can survive up to -1 degrees celsius. For the best growth of silver, squill keeps this plant outside as the combination of temperature and light makes it more healthy.

4. Soil

Well, draining soil is important for this plant. For the healthy growth of Silver squill, well-composed manure is also required. The potting mixture for this plant should have a proper drainage facility therefore sandy soil with rich humus is good for growth (2).

5. Feeding

During the growing season or during the summer or spring season regular fertilizer NPK 1:1:1 ration liquid is good enough for its growth.  you can replace the fertilizers with organic ones also as they are equally good enough and are without any harmful side effects.

Medicinal importance

Recent research findings indicated that the bulbs of Silver squill contain benzocyclobutebe homoisoflavonoids. This secondary metabolite in the bulb of the plant exhibits anti-inflammatory properties (3).

Along with this, the silver squill plants contain 11 hyacinthacines, two pyrrolidines, and three piperidines. These alkaloids possess antibacterial properties (4).


This plant may be toxic to pets and children as this plant contains hyacinthacines alkaloids (5). Therefore should keep away from pets and children.

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