How to take care of Chinese Evergreen plant (Aglaonema crispum)?


Chinese evergreen plants are nowadays very popular as house plants or as garden plants. These plants are compact and low-growing with congested leaves born on the short stock at the soil level. Let us see what are Chinese Evergreen plant (Aglaonema crispum) is and how to take care.

Another very special abilities of this plant are it can thrive well under low light conditions and can tolerate temperature below 13 degrees Celcius. Which makes it more popular for homes and office or public buildings. The following article is about the care of Chinese Evergreen plant and their varieties.

Types of Chinese Evergreen Plants (Aglaonema crispum)

1. Aglaonema crispum

The common name of this plant is Silver Queen it belongs to the family Araceae and originates in South Asia. It is a type of Chinese evergreen plant. This plant has attractive 6-12 inches (15-30 cm) gray-green, lance-shaped leaves marked with silver on shallow-rooted short stalks.

2. Aglaonema modestum

Aglaonema treubii

This is an evergreen plant native to Southeast Asia. It is about 6-12 inches (15-30 cm) in height with lanced-shaped leaves rising from the central growing point (2). The mature plant produces arum-shaped flower spathes during summer or in early spring. the plant is grown for its beautiful foliage and is very suitable for indoor conditions.

3. Aglaonema treubii

Aglaonema modestum

It has mottled cream and green markings on its leaves. the leave is relatively narrow and is marked with silvery grey. the stalk of this plant is almost same as the size of the leaves.

How to take care of the Chinese Evergreen plant (Aglaonema crispum)

1. Temperature

The plant can generally be under warm conditions and can not tolerate cold temperature. The suitable temperature for this plant is 15-21 degrees Celcius (59-70 degrees F). But Chinese evergreen plants will grow more vigorously under higher temperatures. Low or cold temperatures cause leaf discoloration.

2. Light

The most notable quality of Chinese evergreen plants is their ability to grow in dimly lit areas. Hence it is most suitable as a house plant. The exposure of this plant to direct sunlight may scorch the leaves.

3. Watering

It needs regular water in order to keep the potting material moist. As this plant does not like the cold temperature, therefore, it is advisable to water alternate days during the winter season. To increase the humidity you can place a tray filled with moist pebbles under the pot. Too much water may cause wilting of the leaves. Avoid misting as it causes leaf spots.

4. Soil

All-purpose potting soil or peaty mixture is good for this plant. avoid repotting during the winter season. This plant can also grow in soilless media.

5. Pests and Problems with Aglaonema crispum

Mealy bu, spider mites, scale insects, and aphids may occur

The congested leaves and stalks of these plants provide an ideal environment for mealybugs and spider mites. applying insecticides through a coarse rose is advisable (1).


May occur due to low light and temperature. It affects the leaves badly.

Leaf spot

Spray the plants with an appropriate fungicide.


All these plants contain calcium oxalate crystals which may develop skin irritation. If chewed it may irritation to the mouth, lip, and tongue (2). Consult a doctor in case of any kind of irritation.

Other than this Chinese evergreen produces red berries, which are poisonous.

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