Emerald ripple (Peperomia caperata) care


Emerald ripple (Peperomia caperata) belongs to the family Piperaceae and is commonly used as a houseplant or indoor plant because of its unique beautiful leaves. Another plant of Piperaceae is Peperomia obtusifolia. This plant is tropical and is an evergreen herbaceous shrub. It is native to Brazil. As a tropical origin, it thus requires high humidity. Is bushy and grows to erect up to 8-9 inches tall (1). In the following article, we are going to discuss Emerald ripple (Peperomia caperata) care and how to propagate and maintain the plant.

Botanical description

Family: Piperaceae

Scientific name: Peperomia caperata ‘Eden Rosso’

Common name: Emerald ripple

Plant: Perennial evergreen plant, height about 8-9 inches, a shrub in nature.

Leaves: Heavily corrugated green leaves and is heart-shaped. The leaf is about 1-3 inches in length, smooth and glossy, shiny and thick in appearance.

Inflorescence: Cream-colored spike with a length of 5-7 cm (1).

Flowers: White flowers or 2-3 inches long. Flowering takes place in summer (2).

Emerald ripple (Peperomia caperata) care

The plant Emerald ripple (Peperomia caperata) needs very simple care and does not need heavy service. The main pointers that you should remember before getting this plant is that the soil should be light with good drainage function. Need indirect light and occasional fertilizers.


The plant can survive under low light and can even grow well under artificial light.

Soil type

Prefer light soil having a good drainage system.


Water medium and never let the plant stand in water. For high humidity place on a pebble tray.


Dilute normal liquid fertilizer once in two months is good for the healthy growth of the plant.

How to propagate Emerald ripple (Peperomia caperata)

propagation via leaf cutting. Cut a healthy leaf with a petiole and place it or pot it in a moist soil medium with half the leaf buried inside and half outside. Try to maintain the humidity of the leaf for a few weeks root emerges from the buried portion of the leaf.

Pests problems

Normally the plant is very hardy and is not easily attacked by pests and insects. A common pest attack is sucking insects (3). Another type of pest attack that affects the plants is the Mealybugs. To protect the plant from the infestation of mealybug simply keep the plant healthy. Healthy plants are least affected by any kind of disease or insect attacks. But still, if you spot any unwanted guest on your plant simply treat it with insecticidal soap.

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